What Do You Worm Turkeys With?

Apple Cider Vinegar (preferably un-pasteurized),
mixed in the water supply, acts as a natural antibiotic, anti-coccidial anthelmintic and cleans the system. It improves feathering & feather quality, increases egg supply and helps birds resist disease naturally.

also has been said to improve flavor and tenderness of meat birds, when added to their water.

We mix apple cider vinegar into their water on a regular basis (weekly on older birds, every other day on young birds).

I would have to say that if you have a worm load now on your birds you would need to use a more natural commercial wormer to get them in check and then the ACV as a preventative, as with any organic methods they are used to be a preventative not a cure in most cases.

I have read that DE will kill all stomach worms, but not the rest.
Hello! Perfect timing!! I just bought Ivomec-Eprinex to worm my chickens with. I am wondering. Can I worm my new 9 week old turkey babies with it too? If so, any idea of dosage?? And while I have your attention...
... what about ducks and geese?? I'd just like to do everyone as soon as possible so I only have one date to write down for when everyone was wormed! And finally, on the Eprinex, which of course is a pour-on for cattle, it states that there is "Zero slaughter withdrawal", "Zero milk discard". Does that mean that this product wouldn't taint the eggs of my chickens? Oh, and really finally... if we do have to refrain from eating the eggs (for how long?), can they still be incubated?

Thanks for your time!! I am grateful being able to have somewhere to come with all of these wonderings!

I used Wazine on my laying hens - YIKES! Called FDA and apparently no studies have been done on Wazine to say yes or no, so the bottle states do not use on layers - my accidental bad. Anyone else had a similar experience? Do I have to start with a new laying flock? Or is there a true safe waiting period for human consumption of eggs? Thanks in advance.
Wazine is supposed to be good for turkeys, chickens and pigs. Don't use it less than 21 days before slaughter though, and if using on layers, wait 14 days before eating the eggs.
In addition to ivermectin,
We use Valbazen and also fenbendazole(3-4 cc to gal of water for 2-3 days) these are not approved wormer's for poultry,.. then after the second worming, we give a Vita-pro concentrate mix or 911 powder to build gut levels back up...

**Cider vinegar will do nothing for worm protection, may restore or help restore gut Bactria levels to normal.

**We always use DE as a preventive, but even when using it, worms always manage to be there regardless to what preventive measure we take, especially when birds are raised on open ground.. DE also will help keep fly levels down and the larvae in poultry poo

**When worming, we always worm AGAIN 10-14 days after the first initial worming..

As for egg viability i have seen no loss in fertilization or hatchability from using the wormer's Ive mentioned, tested and proven right here while using these drugs.

We worm based on climate condition, which is normally 3 times a year, early spring, mid summer and mid fall, but you must watch in very rainy seasons, as many worms and insects will come up from in the ground which in most cases these are the vectors to worm infestation.

in addition to worming, we hit certain pheasant and turkey paddocks at certain times with hot lime(hydrated) which helps drive these vectors out.. however when using this type of lime, you cannot have your birds on it, as it will burn there feet.

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