What does a chicken cough sound like?


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10 Years
Jun 12, 2009
My Coop
My Coop
Can someone tell me what a chicken cough sounds like? I am new at this whole chicken thing and my BR is making this sort of honking sound when she runs. It is very hot and she is breathing through her mouth a lot. She also sneezes periodically. Not a lot but enough to have me looking at her. I am going to bring her in tonight and watch her. She is eating fine and drinking fine and acts normal. I have heard people talk about probiotics on this site. What kind? Liquid? Also, she doesn't have anything running out of her nose but there seems to be a very thin layer of something white that has dried on her beak. Should I get an antibiotic? I don't like giving them to my kids unnecessarily and I kind of feel the same way about my girls. Any ideas? She has always sneezed more that the others, but the other honking/coughing noise is new. About 4 days.
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Should I get an antibiotic? I don't like giving them to my kids unnecessarily and I kind of feel the same way about my girls.

I agree. Antibiotics should not be given freely.

I have heard people talk about probiotics on this site. What kind?

Probiotics can be as simple as giving plain (unflavored) yogurt.

Can you give us more information, by answering these questions:

trichomoniasis, vit A deficiency, Thrush may all be suspects.
Start with assuming a vit A deficiency (deficiencies are quite common with heat stress because the birds eat less) and you can address this by giving three or four drops of POLYVISOL enfamil (no extra iron) in the beak once a day for a week then taper off the next.
If the birds are panting during the day add electroytes to the water. If they are not, a wee bit of ACV (apple cider vinegar) may be helpful.
A good general vitamin/nutrient supplement like AviaCharge 2000 (available online from McMurry) will also be helpful to the birds in general.
I watched her for a while this morning and she ate and drank fine, it was also much , much cooler overnight and this morning. The only time I have heard her make the noise is when she is running with the other girls. And I think it mostly started when the heat did. She seems to be more sensetive to dust and smells than the others. She is almost 16 wks, I give them all layer food because I have a 19 wk sex link that is laying and vet said it was ok. I have been putting ACV in water for about 6 -8 wks now, and I put some electrolyites in their water the last 2 days that it has been in the 100's. They are in an enclosed run attatched to the raised hen house, the bottom of house is enclosed and attatched to run. The floor of house is hardware cloth, which I have been leaving open because of heat, I do have vinyl covered plywood to put down over it when it is colder. I just clean out the area below coop right now. I am going to get some Avia charge. But I think I will get some polyvisol until I can get it here. I just have to say this forum has been soooo informative to a newbie like me. Thank you!
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