What does a dozen eggs REALLY cost to produce?

I am with you there! When figuring out costs, you might as well include everything because as we all know, nothing in life worth having is ever truly free.
i agree 100% - if no one is willing to buy healthy great eggs here , as you say .. they are welcome to go to the store and buy 'cheaper-less quality' eggs... and i might add - those come from chics that are caged 100% of the time all of their life ( awfull -terrible!! ) i saw a show on history Chanel called Modern marvels and there i saw how the keeps the poor chics.. they never see daylight !!

I don't eat breakfast at restaurants any more....
I too feel bad for chickens raised in those conditions. Watching how chickens interact, forage and run around is only half the fun of owning them. I think we get the better end of the bargain because having those golden yolked eggs are simply delicious and packed with all kinds of healthy stuff- Yum, think we will have a nice custard for dessert tonight!
I will have to go to the list and see what they included in their cost. How do you add your coop to the list? I only charge 2.00 dollars a dozen for my eggs.
I mostly give them to family, and sell enough to pay for a bag of feed for a month. And if they bring me their old eggs cartons I will sell them for 1.50 a dozen. I have never had to buy cartons. Lately egg production has dropped off, my girls are molting. I have had people hounding me for eggs. After looking at the prices of eggs, I understand why! In the grocery, fresh brown eggs are 3.99 a dozen. And we all know they are not fresh! They are blaming the bird flu on the increase, but I think we have a lot more chicken people out there and they just are not selling like they use to.
Anyone who has chickens have their own entertainment network! They are funny to watch their antics...they are always doing something. I can't imagine how life is for battery hens - too sad to even think about actually....

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