What does a splash cochin chick look like?


11 Years
Nov 27, 2008
I ordered blue cochin chicks. I have one thats week and a half old. Its not white and not blue. Any ideas? Or will I have to just wait and see?
The one on the right
She (I hope) is very pretty. No black spots on wing feathers yet. Does that come later?
Yes, the splashes often don't develop for quite a while.

Mottled is very different than splash. Splash is a base colour of white to slate with irregular streaks of colour throughout.

Mottled is black feathers with a very regular white spot at the end of each feather.
SLATE!!! Thats it, that is the exact look to describe that chick. Thanks Sororan Silkies. When can I start to tell the sex?
In your top photo, the chick on the left is blue and on the right is splash.

Not sure on age for sex ID on cochins--but most cockerels start srowing by the time they are 5-6 months old. Sometimes sooner.
rodriguezpoultry that splash is a nice looking guy. How old is he in the 2nd pic?
patyrdz, Those are some beautiful cochins. I hope mine look as good as yours. Thanks for sharing those pictures.

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