What does "Bock Bock BA-GOCK!" mean?

My hens have been making this so called egg laying song randomly during the day for the last two weeks or so but so far no eggs....bunch of free loading, food eating, non egg making poop machines!
One makes the rraaaakkkkkk rookk rok raaaaakkkkk so much she has been named Naggy. It just sounds like she is nagging the crap out of someone. I did see my rooster make that chortle noise for the first time to call the girls when he found something good in the yard to eat. That was a cool thing to see.
This morning our RI was sitting in the nesting box - practicing I think because there was no egg when she left - but what was so funny was our golden sexlink was standing outside the nesting box door singing the egg song!
They make so many "songs"! I need a translator
Some sounds I can guess ("hey, give ME more treats!")

My BR sings her LOUD egg song when she lays. I can hear it from inside the house.

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