What Does Everyone Do With Their Extra Incubated and Hatched Chicks?


7 Years
What Does Everyone Do With Their Extra Incubated and Hatched Chicks? This may seem like a silly question, but seriously. With all the Chicken Addicts out there, surely some of you have suddenly said to yourself, "OMG, what have I done? What am I going TO DO with all these chicks if they ALL hatch?" I have my own personal game plan (kinda, sorta, maybe), but what have you done with YOUR chicks, after they've hatched and you've decided which ones you can't live without?
I'm not incubating any eggs yet, but plan on being up and running in a week or so. Currently only thinking about rebuilding my flock. I lost all but 5 hens last fall to a coyote that made his way into the coop and wiped out 20 hens and 2 roosters in one night. After I have my numbers back where I want them I will put some in the freezer, or sell the them either privately or at the poultry auction. It just depends on what I have and what my first priority at the time is. Meat in the freezer, or just reduce the numbers in a hurry.
This is my 1st batch. I'm giving them back to my neighbor. I just wanted a practice run before mine lay in 5 or 6 months. My later plans are to build up my numbers. Then I will sell start selling.
I'm not incubating any eggs yet, but plan on being up and running in a week or so. Currently only thinking about rebuilding my flock. I lost all but 5 hens last fall to a coyote that made his way into the coop and wiped out 20 hens and 2 roosters in one night. After I have my numbers back where I want them I will put some in the freezer, or sell the them either privately or at the poultry auction. It just depends on what I have and what my first priority at the time is. Meat in the freezer, or just reduce the numbers in a hurry.
Gosh, that's my worst nightmare right now. The dogs have been barking a lot at night, which makes me wonder if something is checking mine out. We also have coyotes.
Gosh, that's my worst nightmare right now. The dogs have been barking a lot at night, which makes me wonder if something is checking mine out. We also have coyotes.
My dogs usually keep the coyotes away, but in the fall it seems that there are always one or two of them around. I've never had to worry about them getting in the coop though. That was the safety zone, but this one was smart and found the one place that was weak. Since then that problem has been fixed to be sure, and so has the coyote. He was not only coming after mine, he raided my neighbors as well. All of us were on the lookout and eventually he got a critical case of lead poisioning, which ended the chicken raids. I've also lost them to other preditors but never so many at one time. Needless to say I was livid, and heartbroken at the same time.

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