What does everyone think?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 20, 2013
My family and I are looking into getting 4 hens for the eggs. I have been walking around my property scratching my head trying to find a place to put a coop and run. Then I thought of this flower bed. Every year it gets over run with weeds and it is hard to maintain. I thought maybe the chickens would enjoy it if we kept it natural and had the run and coop incorporated into it somehow. Since this is my first time are there any dangers anyone can see, or does it sound like a solid idea?

in the grass looks good to me
I'm new to this too, but I bet they would love to lay eggs under that spruce tree. Other than that it looks like a good spot. You wouldn't have to worry about predators digging through the cement on 2 sides :).

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