What does this look like?


In the Brooder
Dec 13, 2021
I found her like this when I was collecting eggs.


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Dried poop? Lice infestation?
I’m not really sure. It looks like an injury that’s scabbed over but it’s night time here so I’m scared to touch it as I don’t have access to supplies or a vet until morning.
Yeah, kinda hard to tell by pic. I would leave it until morning, unless you can tell it is an open injury, when you can get a good look at it.

If you wanted, you could separate overnight and well.
Yeah, kinda hard to tell by pic. I would leave it until morning, unless you can tell it is an open injury, when you can get a good look at it.

If you wanted, you could separate overnight and well.
I’ll gather her up early morning and take to vet. I don’t want to stress her out by keeping her in my bedroom overnight. It looks to be dried so maybe it’s ok until morning.
Update: I brought her to the vet this morning and they gave her a bug prevention injection just in case and cream to rub on the wound. She will be hanging out on my balcony in the chicken hospital for two weeks.

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