What DONT your chickens like

Well all of my chickens hate onions... but the turkeys love them and will fight over them... hmmm
... and the only ones that will eat lettuce are my LB's none of the others will eat it!!!
When they were all little they refused to eat the wheat seed in the scratch... but now they love it... Interesting how their tastes change like ours.
Spaghetti? I would think they'd like it. It's just like worms.

Mine would kill for any kind of pasta.

They refuse to eat worms!
When they were younger they would fight over who gets a worm, now they couldn't care less about them.
Isn't the diversity in their eating habits kewl?!?!?

I'm learning that chickens are very much...shall we say...their own chicken!! Very individual moods, personalities and tastes!! Just an observation...
Newchickenmom&kids :

I'm learning that chickens are very much...shall we say...their own chicken!! Very individual moods, personalities and tastes!! Just an observation...

I agree! Most people who don't know chickens just think they're dumb, stupid, and are just there. They actually are PRETTY sensible, they have lots of personality!​
I just found out that my girls like rice from the rice cooker. I don't think there is too much nutritional value so I will consider that a treat. They will not touch bread, white or wheat, but they eat every crumb of King's Hawaiian bread! Too bad there isn't usually any leftovers of that!
my girls aren't too picky. But if a zuchinni gets too big, they're not interested. I agree they like red foods. tomatoes and watermelon are their favorites. They love wheat grass and it's so good for them it makes me happy. Cat food as a rare treat to boost protein. Egg shells are a real treat. Day old muffins... they go crazy over those. I guess they just like everything.

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