What else can I add?


7 Years
Mar 30, 2012
Southern States
Okay, I have 4 silky hens that are 9 months old and I am rebuilding thier coop to be a pretty nice size. I am still in the process of building it and it will be finshed by my birthday. I wanted to get some chicks or even adopt older hens or other fowl, any advice about how to introduce them or what breeds to add? Here in southern texas it stays exeptionally warm all year long. I appreciate any advice! Thankyou so much!! If you need any more info just ask me!
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If you google "Hendersons chicken breed" chart-you can check for which breeds will do better in warm climates. I haven't had silkies so am not sure if they are an aggresive, neutral, or passive breed?

As far as introducing new birds, its best to introduce more than one at a time> I have had great luck in putting new birds in a cage inside of the coop so they can all see each other and get used to each other for a few days up to a week before combining them together. When I do finally let them out together, its easiest at night so they can roost together. You can also add some barriers so that they have ways of escaping or getting away if there is any initial bullys in the group.

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