What exactly is a rainbow assortment.

It is an assortment of pullets made up of some who lay white eggs, some that lay different shades of brown eggs and possibly some Easter Eggers.
Years ago that was the first thing I ever ordered when I started with chicks and I think it is a wonderful, inexpensive way to introduce new people to raising chickens. I received a nice variety of hens that helped me decide which breeds I liked and disliked! Keep in mind your "mystery chick" will more than likely be a rooster!

Good luck and have fun!
I got three pullets from a rainbow layer group and two are definitely easter eggers one has tuffs and muffs one the same but no tail and the other is yellow lagged and black with white strips so two the same but one completely different you never know what you are gonna get till they get bigger but beautiful birds I just love them. I have fifthteen altogether thirteen hens and two roos.

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