what gender are my silkies?

I agree that Henny Penny looks like a rooster with that big ol comb. Your little partridge in the first picture could be a boy too with all of those reddish feathers. Girls *usually* stay a more even, demur brown while the boys are a nice, flashy red.
Thanks for the help I will swap him at the breeders, it's sad because he new his name and came to me in the mornings I guess some things are ment to happen.:(
from The looks of it you may have all boys. Ruby rose looks pretty boyish due to the slicked back crest. females usually have more of a pom pom. any of the three can you see developed wattles yet. If so then most likely boys.
ID say ruby Rose is a boy, he looks just like my milly, who turned into billy and started crowing!! He had to go back also! but thats the only one im sure of. I also have silkies. the girls have a huge pom pom on the head round as a circle. its hard to tell while its developing, but my bet would be Ruby Rose is definetaly a male. Best wishes!!
Good and bad news ruby is a boy for sure big wattle and comb and the same with penny but they haven't started crowing and Gracie is a girl, it's funny because they cluck then they cheep so I hear a wird mix sometimes.

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