What gender is this Silkie & leghorn?


In the Brooder
Jul 19, 2015
Washington, PA
Can anyone help with their genders?



Thanks :)
This is my first time having chickens. We incubated some eggs for a 4h project & only had 2 hatch. This leghorn is one of them. The other is without a doubt a hen. I purchased 7 more from a lady...EE mixes & the Silkie. Then I inherited this Leghorn (pictured below...she's already laying. I'm not questioning her sex ;)

So then my son got renewed hope thinking that his favorite chicken could still be a hen. As it stands right now, I have 2 definite EE roosters & possibly this leghorn in the original post.
The white bird isn't a Leghorn, it's a mixed breed cockerel.

Pretty sure the silkie is a cockerel also, but I'm not the greatest with that breed.
White rock and something else. In the last pic, you can faintly see what's called ghost barring, faint stripes of color. That's usually from dominant white covering barring on a bird and can show up when crossbreeding white Rocks (who carry dominant white covering barring quite often).
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