What gender of goose is best for us

I once had a flock of embden goslings and out of ten of those 8 were males........ I know right 8 males? (all were aggressive)
Anyway I had them for a year along with 6 Chinese and once I sold all my embdens a week later a fox came and killed chickens ducks and a Chinese goose and I was disappointed of course but I always wondered why the embden ganders always made so much noise at night the past a year? even out of breeding season and I found out it was not because the ganders were fighting but the ganders were attacking the Fox.
So they can protect for sure but they will have to be aggressive.
Making a goose aggressive comes naturally and usually happens if you don't spend time with them so do you really want that?
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That's the point of us raising them... So we can PROTECT them because they do not know. It's so irresponsible to expect a BIRD that can barely fly to fight a predator. I'm disappointed in what you said Serv ): It's our job to protect them and promote responsible ownership, not using them as disposable tools. They don't know a fox is dangerous, and once they do it is too late. Ridiculous.

Wamtazlady, please do not buy any geese of you are going to use them as watch dogs. Look into some other, non living predator deterrents.
People don't expect the goose to literally fight the predator. They expect them to honk when one is near.
I just said facts.
Keeping geese outside isn't bad? I do it and have no problem.
Atm they are inside as it's winter.
I don't see what the problem is having geese for alarms?
Unless the geese are somewhere completely defenceless somewhere in a field far from the house.
How many geese do you have? You're taking this out of context. A huge flock of geese is MUCH different than three or four. You're acting like everyone has the same amount of land and geese as you!
We should NEVER tell new owners that it's okay to leave their poultry out at night. I had a goose get killed two years ago when I left their house unlocked, and their house is right outside our fence, probably 30 feet from the house. It's not safe. Quit encouraging irresponsible ownership.
Actually at the moment I've only 17 geese that doesn't seem to be "huge" to me?
Carrosaur you started raising geese because you thought it would be fun? People that love geese and only have one or two always think it's a bad idea to use them as alarm systems but geese were always used for alarms whether you like it or not ;)
Just because you had a death doesn't mean those people will?
My geese are literally under my window and no fox or dog you name would come near the house the past 12 years and only the odd time one would come near.
I'm saying what is true just because you think that it is bad doesn't mean it is actually bad we all have opinions so I'm allowed to say what I want and we just got to respect that. (it's good to have a discussion if we both don't agree).
Only reason I grew to like geese is because our first geese were used as alarms and they were as good as my German Shepherd dogs.
Just to let you know my African geese are the biggest wimps so "intimidating" shouldn't be referred to my Africans :)
Are you expecting everyone to raise poultry and waterfowl like you?
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Geese were used as disposable alarm systems, they died and no one cared.

And seventeen geese is A LOT compared to two or three, Serv.

I cannot believe someone like you would ever tell someone it's okay to use them to protect their other birds, and I absolutely cannot believe ANYONE on this forum would say it's okay to leave their poultry out in the open at night.
I've mentioned plenty of times that my geese sleep outside ;)
And what about the geese we use for alarms today?
My first geese as I mentioned were alarm geese and I only had 4 ( can't remember the sex but they were aggressive).
You thought that no one would leave their poultry outside?
My geese sleep with my dogs but in the past I my geese never got taken with or without the dogs protection.
I think your kind of overreacting a bit tbh

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