What goes into your compost pile?

Country Heart

City Girl With A
10 Years
Sep 9, 2009
San Jose, California
I'll start...chicken poo, pine shavings, cut grass, raked leaves, plant trimmings, carrot tops, squash peels, spinach past its prime...

What else ? Your turn
chicken poop, bunny poop, used shavings from the bunny cage, veggie scraps, expired fruits & veggies, egg shells, tea bags, plant clippings, wood stove ashes, peanut shells, yard clippings, leaves. My house and yard is built on ledge, so there is NO soil to be had! I've never been able to sink a shovel all the way in anywhere in the yard area. I'm also on a steep hill which makes bringing purchased soil up to the house very difficult for me to do alone. So I really rely on my precious compost for my planting needs!!!
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Grass clippings. Soaked newspaper. Potato peelings. Chickens (find their way in to eat any worms or bugs
Unsure - this is my first year of trying it. I have tumblers rather than piles. When I look inside I still see pretty solid remnants of litter (pine shavings) from when they were chicks. Feathers seemed to be gone...but I didn't dig around too much.

chocolate m'scovy :

I've heard that those take a long time to decompose?​
I need to do that. Right now my pile is perfect, but I keep adding more to it. I really need to start a second pile. Should I just start the second from scratch or take some from my first pile to get it going? My pile isn't very large, so I don't really have a lot to spare....
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Start from scratch. Two years pretty much breaks down anything organic especially if there is high nitrogen poop in the mix.
Chicken/rabbit poo, green bean snips and other assorted garden stuff, veggie peels, newspaper, leaves, shredded cardboard, straw, pine shavings, feathers, fish scraps (buried deep within), algae, grass clippings, mulch, cotton socks, etc.

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