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  • Mrs. Red laid five eggs

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Chickens can lay eggs twice a day although it is extremely rare. My Plymouth Rock and Production Red have laid twice in only a couple hours. It's probably been a while since it laid an egg and the hen's body could be reproducing. This also happened when one on of my chickens laid their first egg.
Were all the eggs normal? Sometimes a hen will accidentally release two or even three yolks instead of her normal one a day. If they release then all at the same time you might get a double or triple yolked egg. If they are released at different times each yolk may make its way down the hen's internal egg making factory and form a separate egg. A hen normally only makes a certain ab=mount of egg material in a day, shell material for example, so some of the eggs could be really thin shelled or even with no shell. They may be unusually small. But yes, it is possible for a hen to lay more than one a day.

What likely happened, especially if all eggs were normal, is that the eggs were laid over a time period and you didn't see them. Sometimes the eggs get lost on the bedding. Hens often scratch when they are preparing the nest for them to lay an egg, that can help hide them.

This has happened a few times on the forum. When you get unbelievable egg laying like this you should be really suspicious. Some people have reported pullets 11 weeks old laying. Multiple eggs show up like this. Do you live with a practical joker? Someone that would enjoy yanking your chain like this?
It's rare, but possible that hens can lay two eggs in a day. My grandparents on my mom's side had a hen that laid an egg in the mornings and again in the late afternoon/early evenings. They knew it was definitely the same hen laying both eggs. She snuck into the house and laid them on their bed!
9 jars of pickled eggs, cucumbers, beets, green mators made & labeled to be sold at Tuesdays farmers market. Quarts are $10 each. Cabbage worms have done a number on my GA collards too. No fresh veggies to be sold by me.

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