What Happened To My Female Duck?


In the Brooder
Apr 12, 2023
So basically a couple of days ago when my geese were living in the duck coop with the ducks I went to let them out but noticed a duck missing .At this point i got scared because I love my ducks a lot, I looked in the duck house were they lay eggs and she was there i got here out only to see her in very bad condition! She was bleeding from her back ,close to her eye and neck .Her beak was also in very bad condition when I touched it it felt like skin !Of course I was very scared myself .So I put her in a cage where she can heel by her self .I tried putting a duck in with her but he started picking at her. Then I separated him and put him back to the cage of course I suspected my male goose because sometimes he tries to mate with the female duck's. Of course I separated him and Ophelia(my female goose)And ever since I have not put the geese with the ducks. What do you guys think .Sorry but I did not take pictures and now she is fine but what do you guys think? Do think it was a pretador ? Or was it Octavio (my Gander):hmm
If you have seen your gander trying to mate with your ducks then yes I would say he was the culprit.
I think so to he's so desprate:idunno! When ever he lived in the duck coop I used to let him free range with the ducks and his female goose. When ever he saw my rouen drake or pekin drake mating with a hen he got jealous and tried mounting the femlae of course i separated him.
This is goose breeding season Never put geese in the same coop with other poultry. When my gander was alive him and his mate had their own house. Get some Terramycin eye ointment and start using it in her eyes. It is an antibiotic for eye infections.
Thank you very much for the advice! I will search it up. Do they sell this at Tractor Supply?
I dont have my phone on me right now im texting on my laptop and I got a new phone and lots of the pictures were deleted I only have a picture of her condition right now. And she doing well i will upload them when I have time right now im pretty busy do you mind waiting a couple?
Of course! So, did you say that she was bleeding on her back, and near her eye?

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