What happened to our ducks?

Popcorn Mcgee

10 Years
Mar 26, 2012
Hello. My 10 year old son raises Cayuga ducks for 4-H. This year we hatched out his first ducklings from last year's fair ducks. They refuse to be put into the coop at night so we allow them to stay out with our guard goose. This has worked for over a year without any problems. Late two nights ago my husband noticed 4 of the younger ducks, now full grown, we're outside the fence. Since we've not had any problems he didn't think much of it. Sadly, in the morning all 4 are gone. There is no sign of anything. No blood, no dead bodies, no sections...nothing. We live in Northern Ohio. What sort of predator can take 4 ducks and leave behind no trace?
OMYGOD i'm so sorry this happened, it can be very diffucult to tell what sniveling creature murdered your birds, but here are a few tips:
- wiesels, minks, and fishers are some of the sneakyest predators
- here is a very helpful article
- raccoons often eat just the head and crop leaving the body, so in you case a raccoon is probably not the culprit.
- if you must find out, get a trail camera like one of these.
good luck finding the culprit! :fl
Get a game camera if you can. ( As mentioned above) The predator will return or usually they do.
Could be many predators, but not knowing what predators you have it is a guessing game.
Large racoon will carry away a full grown chicken. Racoon , Fox, Possum can eat a whole bird leave nothing.
Fox will carry away birds.
Could be a bird of prey since they were smaller possibly carry them away also.
Some predators can run in groups.
Then as mentioned the mink group of animals. They will drag prey away also and very vicious, efficient killers.
As the other poster said coyote, bobcat.

Sorry for your loss
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If you have a game camera, put it up because most likely the predator will be back since it apparently made some kills and then you will know what has been lurking and probably the culprit. I love my cameras. Good luck...
I agree with the other posts. I noticed you posted this twice. This is my response from the other thread.
So sorry for you loss. I have several game cameras up around on my property and have discovered that they all take good daytime picture but all aren't equally good with nighttime pictures. Again, good luck...
I have several cameras similar to this one. The take good nigh pictures when most of the predators roam here. Click on the Customer Reviews where you will see pictures taken with these cameras.

This cameras is probably ok and the price is good.
Hello. My 10 year old son raises Cayuga ducks for 4-H. This year we hatched out his first ducklings from last year's fair ducks. They refuse to be put into the coop at night so we allow them to stay out with our guard goose. This has worked for over a year without any problems. Late two nights ago my husband noticed 4 of the younger ducks, now full grown, we're outside the fence. Since we've not had any problems he didn't think much of it. Sadly, in the morning all 4 are gone. There is no sign of anything. No blood, no dead bodies, no sections...nothing. We live in Northern Ohio. What sort of predator can take 4 ducks and leave behind no trace?
We think a great horned owl got ours a few years back. They pretty much dwindled instead of all missing at once. No problem now.

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