What happened to the blood veins in the eggs?


Oct 12, 2015
I have been incubating several eggs since 10/11 and they all started out great. They all got the blood veins that spread out all over the inside of the egg but in the past 2 days 3 of the eggs seem to have no more blood veins. You can see the dark spot still but the veins seemed to have disappeared. I am guessing they are not survivors. Where did the blood veins go? The others are doing great. There is movement inside the egg that occurs when the egg isn't being moved around! We are hopeful that they will hatch around 11/9... keeping our fingers crossed. This is our first time trying to hatch the eggs!
So they are on Day 10 of incubation now, right? If the blood vessels have disappeared, that means those embryos have died. I'm sorry. :/

When an embryo dies, the blood vessels shrink up into the embryo. That's how they seem to disappear. But if you still have more eggs left that still have visible blood vessels, that is great! Good luck with those ones, and sorry the others didn't make it.
Thank you ...it is very sad but I am happy we still have more chances. Hussy laid 3 more eggs so we put those in there with the others. Earlier today I turned and checked the other 3 from that same day and there was movement inside all of them. The little thing was flicking around in there. I thought it was from me moving the egg around but after a minute then I could see it was actually the little baby moving around in there and all the 'stuff" around the baby was kinda swirling around! I was more than thrilled!
Thank you for taking the time to let me know for sure. I appreciate it.
No problem!

Candling and watching them grow and develop is very neat, isn't it? Just wait until the day one of them peeps at you for the first time from inside the egg (happens a day or two before hatching). That is pretty much the coolest thing on the planet. :)
Well, they were doing great as of last night. But I got up this morning and my incubator was 109 degrees. The two eggs that were supposed to hatch around the 9th are not moving at all anymore. I have one that I put in on the 17th that should hatch around the 14th is still moving around a lot in there. All the other ones that I put in on 10/23 look like they are all coming apart. I guess they are all dead except that one. I am so heartbroken. I have been turning and testing these little things for weeks now and I was so excited for what was to come this week and in just a matter of hours they are dead. They were kicking all around in there last night when I went to bed. No movements today. Leaves me shaking my head. I don't know why in the world that incubator got so hot. I did the same thing with it that I have done all along..I just don't know. Thanks for asking..I guess we will see if I can manage to keep the last one alive.
Just another tragic loss involving inexpensive still-air bators. :( I really don't get why so many people here swear by them when you hear story after story similar to yours, Cajun. Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry for your loss...sadly, I know all too well what it's like to lose an entire clutch, especially this late into incubation. And I lost them the exact same way in the exact same awful incubator.

Well, they were doing great as of last night. But I got up this morning and my incubator was 109 degrees. The two eggs that were supposed to hatch around the 9th are not moving at all anymore. I have one that I put in on the 17th that should hatch around the 14th is still moving around a lot in there. All the other ones that I put in on 10/23 look like they are all coming apart. I guess they are all dead except that one. I am so heartbroken. I have been turning and testing these little things for weeks now and I was so excited for what was to come this week and in just a matter of hours they are dead. They were kicking all around in there last night when I went to bed. No movements today. Leaves me shaking my head. I don't know why in the world that incubator got so hot. I did the same thing with it that I have done all along..I just don't know. Thanks for asking..I guess we will see if I can manage to keep the last one alive.

Oh no, I'm so sorry! :( This is one of the risks of using incubators, unfortunately. They are subject to mechanical failures and sometimes do unexpected things like that. So very sorry for your loss. I will keep my fingers crossed for your last little guy. Really hope he pulls through for you, but I'm sure you're also prepared for him not to make it as well. That's a very high temperature spike. You never know though, he might surprise you. Keep us updated, ok?
This "incubator" was one I made...I watched a video on youtube where this lady showed to use a plastic tote and a heating pad. So I did that and lined the bottom and sides with towels.. I put a dish of water in there and a water thingy from my hubby's cigar humidor and the humidity gauge from the humidor. Then I covered a tin baking pan with shelf liner really tight so they were not on any direct source of heat. I tried the heating pad on all 3 heating levels and found that "high" kept the them at 99.5 once in a while it would spike to 101...the humidity stayed around 60% . I also put a small blanket on top of the eggs and then a blanket over the top and outside of the tote. I was quite surprised that I was able to maintain that temp and humidity level. I guess the heater in the house kicked on and that had to have been what did it.
My husband felt bad for me.. crying like a foolish child... so he bought me a real incubator. He got me the one that hold 48 eggs and it turns the eggs automatically and it has pretty much everything I have been reading about. It circulates air and has digital gauges to monitor levels...I hope it works. It only got 5 star reviews on Amazon. It is a TMS® 48 Digital Clear Egg Incubator Hatcher Automatic Egg Turning Temperature Control.
I just hope it arrives BEFORE anything happens to the last egg... Hussy has 5 more eggs in her pen...I was hoping she would sit her duff on them but she is pretty much ignoring them..if she doesn't get broody before the incubator arrives then I will try to hatch those.
Oh, dear. That makes sense now. :( Your hubby is one heck of an awesome guy for immediately running out and getting you a quality bator though, just to make you feel better!

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