What happens if Barred Rock Rooster over Buff Brahma hens? My meat mix. Leakage in feathers?

moving coops

6 Years
Jan 5, 2017
ok, so I am doing a meat mix. Barred Rock rooster over Light Brahma hens, Buff Brahma hens, and blue Cochin hen.

I know they will be barred. And normal black and white, except maybe the Buff Brahma hens.......they might throw chicks with Buff leakage in feathers, right? Very likely?

Yes there will be some buff leakage, likely in chest and neck. Th Blue Cochin will throw 50% blue barred chicks.
Thanks, so for those keeping female, might look off with the Buff Brahmas.... better if they were clean looking. Basically a cool Barred with feathered shanks and no leakage would look best....what do you think.
Just wondering if I should sell my Buff Brahma hens then...

I am actually also doing the other way around for sex links. And put a light Brahma Rooster and a Black Australorps over my Barred Rock hens for sex linked. Purposely left my Buff rooster out so no leakage.... of course female will be straight black..

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