What hedges are poisonous to chickens??????


12 Years
Sep 5, 2007
San Antonio, TX
I need to put a hedge between my chicken run/coop, but what is NOT poisonous. Vines take too long to grow, I need something constant. Our neighbors rent the house next to us an move, so I don't know what kind a neighbors I will be getting next. Not everyone likes chickens, so I don't want my chickens to be visible to my neighbors. Any suggestions on what kind of hedge I can plant? -- -- Yvette
I am planting an edible hedge, gogi plants. I can toss the trimmings to the hens as I want, the green leaves are very nutritious and the plant is pretty fast growing to about 10 to 12 feet, so I've read. My plants are about 1 to 1 1/2 feet tall now.
You can also plant a hedge of rugosa roses. These roses will make rose hips which are nutritious for chickens and humans. Also, the petals can be eaten or used for making rosewater. The great thing is...these plants grow fast! I'm planting a hedge of them down one property line to separate us from a cranky neighbor.

(These roses are sometimes confused with another type of rose that is an invasive plant.)
Why do the chickens bite you?..lol...That's a cute question. I have had everything done to me from chickens, but nothing that drew blood if thats the kind of biting you mean. When they give me a stern pecking I just assume I'm invading their little space, I keep doing though eventually they stop, ok they do it less often.

Are those Japanese holly bushes poisonous to chickens?
Grape vines grow super fast, look beautiful, and provide fruit.

I've planted wood roses and they grow fast and nobody is ever going to try to walk through them.

Where you are located, you could grow osage orange.

For a quick screen, while your permanent plants are growing, plant sunflowers.

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