what? I have chickens?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 6, 2014
Good evening all, its 6pm here in So Cal. Im waaaay new to this chicken game. Im almost 40 and have school age children, so empty Nester is not the reason. I used to be a "city" girl but I guess not anymore. Weird, right? Anyways I have 4 hens. They are 11 weeks old. I adore them. I have 2 RIR and 2 Austrolorpe(SP). I also have 5 cats, 4 dogs, a bearded dragon, and a buncha fish. OMG, is it a possible midlife crisis? Hope not

So um ya, thats all. So any knowlege you all have would be a great help.
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Sounds like you have a lot of happy critters!

Feel free to ask any questions!
Welcome from Georgia!! Used to be a city girl? Well sounds like you are just growing wiser!! I wouldn't call 40 mid life, 40's the new 20, or haven't you heard?
I've got a couple of years on you and I'm just a kid, a big, gray haired chicken loving kid.
Haha that's a zoo not a house! I hope you can keep up because I have a duckling and its exhausting work! I wish you tons of good luck!
Welcome.from Crackers and I!
Ya its a zoo, but I love it.my kids are old enogh to help out once in a while tho!:p
:D Hello from sunny south Florida pzagnut! I hit 40 last year so welcome to BYC and the 40yr Chicken Club! I have 6 chicks, 3 college age step-daughters, 2 dogs and a beta fish who lives in my kitchen. Love the Zoo and the flock! :clap
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from Washington! BYC is the best fowl website you can find.
I hope you feel glad you signed up! In our flock we have great people and it is always great to have a new member:) In our flock, we have no pecking order!


By the way, not saying that you will do anything bad, but no fowl play

Seems like a small zoo:)

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