What in the world did I just rescue/adopt from the cold snowy winter


9 Years
Sep 25, 2010
At the local stable I heard a chick crying and went to investigate. The tiniest little banty peep was standing by his mama, who was scratching in a stall. There were two peeps which hatched a few days ago, but one disappeared. Mom was seen scratching in the snow earlier with her baby again crying and looking abandoned.

I offered to take them and the owner agreed- but I may have to give mama back.

I recognize her type, but don't know the name of the breed. I assume she's pure bred. Baby may or may not be.



I'm not sure the wee peep will make it. Aside from a few days of trying to survive poor mothering, he was VERY thirsty. I watched him closely and he was doing okay, but when he went back for more he aspirated after several sips. He shook out most and I scooped him up and held him head down which helped. It was clean water, and he was soon peeping normally, but I'm concerned. Maybe a little tetracycline wouldn't hurt for these two. He's barely eaten, but he's taking more of an interest after getting hydrated. If I had a tube his side I would force feed him as I know how to do so safely...
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Mama looks like a silkie/cochin mix :) she's very pretty and the little guy is definitely adorable :)
Thanks for the photo help :)

Those all sound like interesting mixes and nice breeds :) I think cochin is what I was vaguely thinking of. The owner said something about silkies...

Both of them have feathered feet and you can just see the green sheen to mama's feathers.

She's not a totally clueless mom- she's been dropping food for her chick, who just had a fairly normal dropping about 30 minutes ago, and hopefully more lost in the shavings. :)
Remember chicks don't have to eat for a few days after being born. I wouldn't try to force feed it. It would probably do more damage then good. I don't think I would force it to drink either. Dip its beak every now and then but, if it is thirsty or hungry I am sure it will eat or drink.
Thanks everyone. I only dipped the beak once. Good to know about them taking longer to eat- I've never had a lone chick. Yesterday morning he slowly gained an appetite and was soon eating well. He looked better for it too :)

I think he'll make it and both of them are happy to be inside. Mama hasnt even thought about jumping out of the brooder but I cover it when I'm not around.
Pepper the peep is doing great and eating TONS now. I will never forget that it may take them 3 days to eat properly :) I thought he was older from what the lady at the barn said, but apparently he was right around 2-3 days old.

His mama is being a good girl. She dotes over him and gets upset if I get between them (mostly she just pushes by me, but she has given me a few pecks for annoying her!) I named her Frightful after the falcon in My Side of the Mountain and the real life falcon featured on National Geographic (who jumps out of airplanes!)

I shot some video of them for anyone who hasn't had their daily dose of cute. You can see neither is too certain about the camera. ;)

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