What in the world happened?


7 Years
May 28, 2012
Bolivar, Ohio
I recently bought 13 Delaware pullets and 1 Speckled Sussex rooster. The pullets are about 4 1/2 to 5 months old, and the rooster about 4 months old. Since they came from the same source, I put them together, but separate from the rest of my flock. Everybody seems really healthy and active until yesterday. When I got home from work and went out to feed, I saw the rooster laying in a corner on his belly. There were some feathers missing from his rear, so I could tell he had been picked on all day while I was gone. I went over to him and stood him up. He could walk, but hobbled like his feet hurt.

The first thing I thought of was Marek's! I pulled him out and took him into a heated shop and put him in a tote with water. Then I noticed his neck looked swollen. I thought about an impacted crop. I felt his neck and there was a long "knobby" tube feeling thing right in his throat area. I felt as I followed it down, and it seemed to go right into his breast area, but I couldn't feel a larger "bulb" like the crop at the bottom of it.

Still thinking that could be what it was, I brought out a bowl of bread soaked in vegetable oil.
He ate about half the bread and drank some water. This morning when I check him, he seemed a little better (a little more lively) but there was loose very green poop and a lot of it behind him. Back to thinking Marek's........

When I got home from work today, he had died. I just had to know if what I was feeling was his crop, but it just didn't seem like it.

I cut his throat open from his chin to his breast bone. What I was feeling was his spine! It was right there in his throat area and arched like a banana. He didn't seem to hold his head funny at all, but it is a wonder.

Could this be wry neck? Would it show up this late? Would it come on that fast? Has anybody ever heard of this? I am just dumb founded! Please shoot your thoughts at me!

Oh....one more thing. So far everybody else seems just fine. God, please don't let the rest of them get sick!
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Stress could've been an factor for your rooster, moving from one place to another causing an overload of ecoli bacteria in his system...just too much for him. Also considering that the hens picked on him while you were at work is another stress factor as well. Perhaps they sensed he was weak or ill and tried to eliminate him...instinct, survival of the fittest. Ecoli is passed in feces. It can be passed in feces contaminated feed/water. All you can do is closely observe your hens for several days in case there's something else going on. Sorry you lost your roo.

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