What in the world is that chick?

Peach Mom

In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 27, 2012
Hi Guys! So thankful for a site with so many in the know chicken people! I am new to this and really scratching my head. Over Easter I got what I thought were 4 white Plymouth Rock chicks and 2 red sex links that were a cross between a Rhode Island Red roo with a Columbian hen. I am now noticing that one of my White Rocks is developing cream colored feathers and even a touch of tan brown on her tail. There were sold as all pullets. Any ideas what this mystery chick could be???
Hi Guys! So thankful for a site with so many in the know chicken people! I am new to this and really scratching my head. Over Easter I got what I thought were 4 white Plymouth Rock chicks and 2 red sex links that were a cross between a Rhode Island Red roo with a Columbian hen. I am now noticing that one of my White Rocks is developing cream colored feathers and even a touch of tan brown on her tail. There were sold as all pullets. Any ideas what this mystery chick could be???

Sounds like a red sexlink cockerel.
Thanks Salt and Pepper. I wonder if Tractor supply would take him back? I already had to give away one of my 2 Black Copper Maran roos as they were fighting and have another baby BCM roo the same age as the mystery chick....hate the fighting!

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