What incubator would you use to hatch eggs in a nursing home.

what did I do

10 Years
Apr 10, 2012
I hatched eggs in the nursing home and things went kind of bad. during the hatch the humidity got down to 12. We ended up with 12 chicks out of 40 good eggs. But they asked me to do it again next year. They would help me get a better incubator. I would like one that has a big window so people in wheelchairs can see into it. It also needs to hold the temp well and have a way to keep up the humidity throughout the incubation. Oh, and a turner. What would you use? I might be able to get donations for this. The nursing home said they would ask for donations.
I would get a brinsea mini advance. It is so easy- it's like a crockpot- you set everything up, and then leave it alone, except to add water every few days. It's very hard to mess up. It is a little more spendy, and you only get 7 eggs, but it's almost foolproof.
I would get a brinsea mini advance.  It is so easy- it's like a crockpot- you set everything up, and then leave it alone, except to add water every few days. It's very hard to mess up.  It is a little more spendy, and you only get 7 eggs, but it's almost foolproof.

I was thinking about a brinsea but I just can't wrap my mind around only hatching 6 eggs. I was thinking about one of the bigger ones. The 20 might work but I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around only 20 knowing there will be 1 to 3 clears. As it is I put 46 into my 42 hovabator. How do people only hatch small hatches? If you hatch 20, 10 of them will be roosters. I suppose I can set my bator full at home and set 20 in town. Maybe I should think smaller. LOL

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