What is a balanced diet for a layer?


Jun 6, 2020
NW Washington state, USA
Thanks for your help with my finicky hen question! Now for the next stage:
My yr old Barred Rock hen doesn't get to free range very often, but as I finish building her outdoor run and her tractor she'll be able to. Should I provide her with layer feed as a supplement? What's a few examples of a healthy diet for a hen that's part-time in a tractor & part-time in an outdoor run?
I am learning so much more here than in all of the books I've bought! I want to get chicken care right, with my 1 hen, before I add anymore! Many Thanks
🙏 Namaste
Sorry for your lonely hen!
You can feed an all flock feed, with oyster shell in a separate dish, to chickens of any age or sex, and that's what many of us do, especially having birds of different ages, sexes, and laying eggs or not.
Layer feed is meant for birds who are actively laying eggs, not anyone else, so especially if you will get more birds (and she needs company) an all flock feed makes the most sense.
Sorry for your lonely hen!
You can feed an all flock feed, with oyster shell in a separate dish, to chickens of any age or sex, and that's what many of us do, especially having birds of different ages, sexes, and laying eggs or not.
Layer feed is meant for birds who are actively laying eggs, not anyone else, so especially if you will get more birds (and she needs company) an all flock feed makes the most sense.
Thank you!! Should I give her that as a supplement when she's free ranging?
As soon as I'm done building an extra strong, protective tractor, I will get Bangie some friends! Do you have an opinion about age difference in introducing new ladies? I'm thinking about 2-3 pullets maybe? Though I want to train them so younger is better, I think. I'll have to keep the newest separate until they're old enough to be introduced to Bandia's coop. I want the gentlest, calmest breeds available. My Barred Rock is sweet, but she's not used to being pet. The people who gave her to me believe that animals are soulless things with no feelings that humans use. Ugh!!
The all flock feed is not a supplement, it's offered free choice all the time, with free range goodies being extra.
Chicks will need to at least be old enough to be fine at ambient temperatures, and will blend best if out there separated by wire for a few weeks to visit before going out together.

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