What is a guinea good for?

whistlin dixie

In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 6, 2007
are they usefull for anything? Forgive my ignorence, I just dont know anything about them, they look cute and I know alot of people have them, so I was wondering what they did with them?
guienies eat buggs an lots of ticks.an they will gang up on snakes.an yes they will sound off when something strange approches.an yes you can eat them.they taste like phestant.
Guineas are used for bug control. Currently I have 9 in my flock but have noticed that they have done a great deal to reduce the number of ticks and other aggravating bugs that we have here. This year the number will go to 20 to help even further in reducing those numbers after treating my 4 big dogs for erlichosis that they contracted from a tick bite.

I tell eveyone who has never had guineas they are not chickens. There is very little about their behavior that is chicken like. They can be quite vicious to other birds, they are incredibley oppionated and if they don't like something you've done they will scream about it.

Guineas need some training to return each evening to their coop. In the beginning it can get quite frustrating but once you both understand each other it becomes routing. Guineas do not lay year round, they have a laying season that runs from about March until October.

Simply put being a Guinea owner is a love/hate relationship. There are times where I ask myself what was I thinking but the moment I look up and see them doing one of their goofy Guinea antics I'm glad they're out there.

Editing to add: Guineas do not do the mass destruction to a garden or flower beds that chickens do. They will make some pretty deep dust holes but so far none of mine have made them in the flower beds.
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I think robin pretty much summed it up. I have heard such great things about their watchdog tendencies and their bug eating that I really would like one, but with neighbors all in their 70's and 80's and grumpy about anything out of the oridinary that they haven't had in the development for the past 25 years I just can't as I hear they are really loud! Also, all the hatcheries make you order 30! Thats exactly what I need- 30 of them making noise!
Hey Robin could you put guineas and ducks in the same area? Like a huge 100X200 field? I was going to put them and our ducks in the same area but let the guineas wander outside the feild as well. Crystal
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Introduction is important with guineas when it comes to new birds of any kind, even Guineas. They attack as a flock when a strange bird appears.

If the ducks are there first and the Guineas are in lock down for a three to six weeks in an area where they can see the ducks you should have very little problems. If the guineas are there first it can get a little harder to introduce the two but it can be done.

On EZ BYC one guy has a single Guinea that lives with his ducks. But that's a single, the dynamic changes when its a flock. Many have their guineas sharing a coop with their chickens, I ran into trouble so had to remove the chickens to another building. That is another thing to consider, housing and who they share it with because the numbers matter.

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