What is best breed to get?


13 Years
Mar 28, 2010
New Hampshire
In the past I always had good luck with NH Reds and Barred Rocks. I want to start up a coop again but unable to get these breeds at my local stores. My choices are ISA browns, Jersey Giants, Marans, and Gold Wyandottes. I don't know anything about these breeds. What would be the best choice of these.
In the past I always had good luck with NH Reds and Barred Rocks. I want to start up a coop again but unable to get these breeds at my local stores. My choices are ISA browns, Jersey Giants, Marans, and Gold Wyandottes. I don't know anything about these breeds. What would be the best choice of these.
What are you looking for? Production? Personality? Cold or Heat Hardy? Broody?

(I love Barred Rocks, too…sorry you couldn’t get any!)
In the past I always had good luck with NH Reds and Barred Rocks. I want to start up a coop again but unable to get these breeds at my local stores. My choices are ISA browns, Jersey Giants, Marans, and Gold Wyandottes. I don't know anything about these breeds. What would be the best choice of these.
What are you looking for in the flock? Egg layers?
Production and cold hardy
I would go with ISAs and Wyandottes. Jersey Giants go broody a lot and are low on the egg-laying spectrum, and Marans don’t lay as often either. Your Wyandottes will handle the cold well, but will take a break for molting/winter. Your ISA will lay great for a few years without breaks, and most likely slow down around year 3.
I would go with ISAs and Wyandottes. Jersey Giants go broody a lot and are low on the egg-laying spectrum, and Marans don’t lay as often either. Your Wyandottes will handle the cold well, but will take a break for molting/winter. Your ISA will lay great for a few years without breaks, and most likely slow down around year 3.
Interesting you mentioned these 2. I was leaning toward them, but read that Wyandottes don't get along well with other breeds. Have you found that to be true? Seems to me if they are baby chicks and grow up together they should be OK.
I don't like my gold laced Wyandottes from egg production. medium /small egg 4-5 week. I am giving to my cousin in a few weeks when the California tans are ready/big enough to turn out.
ISA Brown are great layers of large/exlarge eggs. They lay just about everyday. I had 6 in my last flock and they got along fine with barred rocks and buff O's

My Wyandotte are put up with by the RIRs, buff O's, Americanas but just.

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