What is best way to transport


6 Years
Jan 15, 2014
I have a 10 / 11 month old peahen I need to transport about an hour away.
What would be the less stressful / safest way to do this?
I can use a wire/metal type dog cage, a hard plastic type dog crate (see pics) or a large cardboard box or is there something better I can use that I'm just not thinking of?
(She will be transported in the back of my suv)


When I transport my chickens I just put them in a big cardboard box. I think them being in the dark keeps them calmer, and makes them sleep.
The problem with the cage is they beat themselves against it and sometimes hurt themselves. I learned that the hard way my on very first peahens. Thank goodness they survived but both had bloody breasts. :(
Pet carrier much better! I suppose box is second as long as it was cool.

When using a cage make sure it's totally covered with a blanket or something so it's dark.
In my experience, the hard carriers work best.
I moved my boy not too long ago and bought a much larger carrier (because he had a full train!), and I think it was stressful for him - he stood up and moved around most of the way. When I transported him previously in a hard carrier, he just sat calmly.

Here's the oversized carrier:
"Get me outta here!"

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