What is Boss exactly.


9 Years
Feb 11, 2010
San Diego
I have repeatedly come across feeding Boss to the chickens but have no idea of what it is. I have asked the feed stores in this area and they don't know either. So what is it, and where do I get it?
Ha! That's funny... I just saw that in Kroger tonight, and was wondering if it was ok to give them. Is it more of a treat food, or an everyday thing?
Black Oil Sunflower Seed. Thank you for letting me know. I plan on giving it as a treat. I live in Southern CA. The feed store where I buy my supplies has a sign up stating there is a shortage of Black Sunflower Seeds. Are other sunflower seeds OK?
I use mine as a treat only, it has much lower protein and much higher fat. I think it's not supposed to go over 10% of their total diet... And as far as I know it is much different than regular sunflowers as it has different fats/oil and amounts... I'm sure one of the experts will chime in shortly.

I'm in So Cal too and I've seen it at Walmart, the 99 ¢ store and most of the local feed stores. The feed store by me has a 50# bag for 25 bucks.
I haven't seen any signs of shortage...
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I'm not sure how many chickens you have so this may or may not work for you, but I mixed BOSS with some crackle and just give them a handful in the morning (I only have 4). They love the treat and I usually "call" them with it too so they have been pretty well trained to think when they hear me calling - they come expecting to get some "candy". This works well to motivate them to go in the run (they free range most of the day) when I'm in a hurry and want to safely put them in if I am leaving.
BOSS would not be considered a staple, like layer mix or other types of feeds. There are those who offer it in a seperate feeder, similar to Oyster Shell. I understand that there are those who believe it helps to prevent egg-binding, due to its high oil content.
ya I think it is a treat more than anything I feed the wild birds it in the winter and the hens clean up after them... Might be an interesting winter suppliment I know I feed em suet in the winter free range to get the fat content in their diet up...

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