What is eating my eggs? Found shells smashed flat.


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 20, 2010
Willamette Valley, Oregon
Does this sound like the hens or another animal?

I locked up all my hens separately, let them lay and waited. One that didn't lay I gave her eggs, and waiting hours. No one was caught as an egg eater.

When I first noticed the smashed eggs they were free to go in and out of their coop at will. They had/have a hanging feeder and oyster shell. Since I have started locking them up more, and I am finally finding eggs again.

This started after we moved the coop. It use to be on concrete, next to the house with a raised nest box. and now is on bark chips in the back and under a tree with a ground level nest box. Thinking some animal that didn't notice them before has found out there is a food supply.

I tried to seperate over night, one got out and was in the yard when we woke up. We found a smashed egg outside the regular coop and it was smashed and eaten. So I thought it must be her, but keeping her out of the coop and away from the others did not stop eggs from inside from being found smashed. I even locked her up with eggs and she wasn't interested. Even though she must have been quite bored.

Any idea, any help? : ) I made a roll a way nest box out of a bin, but they aren't using it. I also put in an old recycle bin on it's side and added straw, they have been laying there. I feel bad, but I guess I will have to force them to use the roll a way by removing the recycling bin. I don't have anything laying in it for comfort, do they really need it?

I was hoping to make a nice coop this year, but budget didn't allow. We use a cyclone dog kennel with a roof, so not exactly critter proof.

Any help getting them to use the roll away?
I have problems with Jays and Crows taking eggs. I have plenty of eggs and I'm not hatching chicks this year so I don't really care. But I can see where this could be a terrible problem. Can other birds get in your coop?

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