What is she?????? I have no clue


10 Years
May 1, 2009
Charmhaven - Australia
This is one of our bantams Darna, but we have no clue what breed she is. She is twice the size of our other bantams, we've had her about 3 months now no eggs yet and she just started clucking before that she was still cheeping like a chick, her feathers have changed a bit since we got her, she was mostly white when we brought her home but her feather are going brown and where she is white the feathers are changing to a cream colour.
Does anyone have any ideas of what breed she is or crossed with???

she is pretty...maybe a cross , just guessing here but something like a wyndotte? production red kinda thing? idk
What do daughters know?

I love her beautiful rose colored face, her cream colord head and neck and the patterning of the caramel color on her wings and body.

Where did you get her from?

I was looking at your photo, does she have the start to a clump of feathers under her chin growing out to the side? I sort of see something like it. What am I seeing?

When I look at a picture of an Araucana in a hatchery catalog I see something like this on both the roo and hen but the roo seems to also have it growing down the front like a small beard. The hens face is red or rose colored. They have a variety of feather colors.


This is the picture I was looking at. Kind'a similar.

What do you think?
I have Brahmas and they grow feathers on their legs and feet. This beauty doesn't have that. The brahmas that I have seen all have black or white patterning around their necks and on their tails, depending on what their body color is. I thought that they only had white, black or buff body colors with the black accents.

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