What Is The Best Breed YOU Recommend?


In the Brooder
Apr 12, 2023
So basically I have had some chickens pass away throughout 2022-23 I am for sure buying new Hen's my dad tells me not to get more Roo's .So i am getting more hens which one's do you guys Recommend? Some chickens I want are Egg layers, Calm, Good Mom, Nice, And Good sized hens.Any breed's
Second the recommendation on Sussex!

We went for only friendly egg-laying breeds, and we also love our Orpington, along with our Plymouth Rock who is the most cuddly chicken ever. Australorps and Cochins are also very friendly, but Cochins can be quite broody.
So excited to hear this. I've been wanting some speckled sussex and finally ordered. They'll be here in June.
So basically I have had some chickens pass away throughout 2022-23 I am for sure buying new Hen's my dad tells me not to get more Roo's .So i am getting more hens which one's do you guys Recommend? Some chickens I want are Egg layers, Calm, Good Mom, Nice, And Good sized hens.Any breed's

My Maran is the best she's super sweet, lays amazingly but has never gone broody so not sure she'd be a good mum.
Orpingtons are my absolute favorite. Docile, I get a good amount of large eggs and who doesn’t love their big fluffy butts? Speckled Sussex, Marans and Welsummers all tie for second favorites. My Speckled Sussex has been my broodiest (she even tried to steal kittens to sit on). My Orpington, welsummer and Marans all have gone broody as well.
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I have 8 broody free-range hens right now. 7 American Gamefowl / Indian Red Junglefowl mix hens, and 1 lavender Orpington

This morning I discovered that my dog had eaten all of my lavender Orpingtons eggs. He hasn't touched a single egg under a game hen. They fight him off ferociously

Good layers, protective mothers. They're not exactly calm, but a good mother can't be calm all the time
So basically I have had some chickens pass away throughout 2022-23 I am for sure buying new Hen's my dad tells me not to get more Roo's .So i am getting more hens which one's do you guys Recommend? Some chickens I want are Egg layers, Calm, Good Mom, Nice, And Good sized hens.Any breed's
Oh the best hens I have in all these departments are Welsummers, Bielefelders, and my personal goofy love favorites, Buff Orpingtons. Apparently im drawn to the brown ones lol!

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