What is the best type of chicken to show for a 5 year old??


9 Years
Apr 21, 2010
Snohomish, Wa
Just wondering because I can't decide which one to have my daughter show with the 4h this year, we have a Partridge Cochin but I was looking for a secondary bird for type showing, any suggestions????
I would suggest cochin bantams, D'Uccles and silkies. Those breeds tend to be mellower and light weight. If she doesn't mind the weight factor, Brahmas, LF Cochin, Orpingtons could do just as well.
my daughter was 5 last year when she showed at the fair, her silkie roo Prince Fluffy Pants won best in show. cochins and silkies are excellent choices. your tamest birds are good she has a pet new hampshire and she showed her as well.
I think Modern Game Bantams make the best choice for children. They are almost always calm & easy to handle. Also, they are small enough to be easily handled by even very small children.
Thanks everyone, what do you think about coloring?? If I got a silkie or a standard cochin what color would you go for that is good for showing?
Ask your child what breed SHE likes. Let her pick her own breeds and varieties, but reserve veto power. Then purchase the best birds you can afford for her to work with; it takes no more effort to care for a better quality bird than one that is hatchery or pet quality. Teach her HOW to care for the bird, but largely rely on her to do the actual work. THere may be some things (such as bathing or nail/beak trimming) that she simply cannot do due to her age. You will need to do those. However, she can help you with your other animals, so there is a tradeoff rather than her simply not doing something. Be sure to not take over her efforts--kinda like hoimework--be there to mentor, help and guide, but ultimately the work needs to be hers.
Well there is a LOT more work involved in showing Silkies and soft feathered chickens like Cochins, and anything with feathered feet. Silkies especially must be bathed and then blow dried. Hard feathered birds like Cornish and OEG should be bathed too before a show but you can get away with just going over them with a damp rag as long as they are clean. Feathered footed birds require special care and you will lose points with broken foot feathers. Avoid anything predominately white since they can stain, or worse, turn brassy. You may be able to bleach stains but there is not much you can do when a white bird turns brassy.
I'd say Silkies, Pekin Bantams, Old English Game Bantams or Modern Game Bantams.
They are all either regular or small sized chickens with a friendly personality.

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