What is the best way to put a hen down?

K R 2709

6 Years
May 21, 2013
BC, Canada
I have a sick hen that I need to put down. The body needs to be intact to send for necropsy. I could let her starve as she is not eating and I am tube feeding her but that is a terrible way for her to die.
Yes, i agree that is a bit of a bad way to end her life. Would you consider taking her to the vet to be put down? It would be pain free for her, as it is just a shot. I don't know if that is an option for you, but if it were my chicken that i cared for and loved, that is what i would do.
Depending on what the lab is testing for, sometimes they want the chicken alive when it comes to a lab for testing.
Wrap her in a towel, hold her between your knees with her head down, get a sharp knife, slice the right side under her jaw. You'll nick her artery and she'll basically get sleepy and pass out from blood loss. Just a quick little cut and no pain after that.

You can YouTube videos on it.


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