What is the difference between a Dominic and Barred?


7 Years
Sep 17, 2012
Ozark, MO
What is he? He could even be a mix of some kind, I got his egg in a swap. I thought he was a girl until his tail started to curl. He was hatched in July of last year.

Dominiques have rose combs and yellow legs. Barred Rocks have single combs and yellow legs. Cuckoo Marans have single combs and white legs, usually feathered. Yours looks like a mix.
Dominiques have rose combs and yellow legs. Barred Rocks have single combs and yellow legs. Cuckoo Marans have single combs and white legs, usually feathered. Yours looks like a mix.
Do you have a guess at what mixes he is from? Thank you.
Barred is a color, not a breed. Several breeds come in barred, including Rocks, Dominiques, Cochins and Marans (although Marans are called cuckoo, it's the same as barring genetically).

Dominiques have a rose comb, and rose combs are dominant, so that's off the table. My guess is he had one barred Rock parent, the other was a single combed yellow legged bird....beyond that, impossible to say. Since he doesn't have red leakage, chances could be good his other parent was black or black-based.
All these breeds; Rocks, Dominique, Marans are different breeds not because of their color, but because of their type or shape. It is a horrible misconception to think that the basic differences in these breeds is merely their combs and leg color. That is only a small part of the differences.

With Standard bred poultry, the differences in these breeds is detailed in their respective Standard, or written, highly detailed description.

With hatchery stock, none of these descriptors are very applicable as none are bred to meet the Standard written for their breed anyhow.

The bird shown above is a mix, a barnyard mix. But, it doesn't have any idea about any of this. It's a chicken and that's that. There's only one species of chicken. Breeds are man made unique creations. This chicken doesn't much care about that.
Barred is a color, not a breed. Several breeds come in barred, including Rocks, Dominiques, Cochins and Marans (although Marans are called cuckoo, it's the same as barring genetically).

Dominiques have a rose comb, and rose combs are dominant, so that's off the table. My guess is he had one barred Rock parent, the other was a single combed yellow legged bird....beyond that, impossible to say. Since he doesn't have red leakage, chances could be good his other parent was black or black-based.

I agree.
Even though a rose-comb may be a dominant gene, and that USUALLY comes through in a mixed breeding, just like with a human man and woman with dark hair can have a child who is blond. It would indicate that if one of the roosters parents looked just like a typical dom, it was probably a mix with the recessive gene along with the dominant which gave it a rose comb. Then when it crossed with another breed, it's recessive gene happened to be the one that came through.

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