What is the difference between Aseel and Thai Game?

Aseel come from India,

Thai Game come from Thailand?

Other than that, I really have no idea...
I have been told that they are cosiderd cousins/ the same thing.

They were just raised in different areas of the world and given different names.
Thats's what I have been told anyways.

But if this info is wrong please let me know, I myself am still not too sure.
They are two different breeds.
Asil's are a India/Pakistan breed and the Thai are a breed from Thailand.

ultimatefowl . com/wiki/index.php?title=Asil
ultimatefowl . com/wiki/index.php?title=Thai
Trying to tell the difference between Asils, Thais, Shamos, etc can be very tricky. Its often about like trying to tell the difference between an English, American, and Irish game; even an expert can get it wrong from time to time. To many the names could be interchangeable but its not until you get into to the subtle details that you find the distinctions. To further the confusion there are subtle differences in groups within each breed as well. Some Thais may look more like an Asil, some Asil may look more like a Thai. Generally speaking Thais to my knowledge are a taller stationed, somewhat lankier bird when compared to the Asil. Weights are also a factor. Part of why they look similar has to do with ancient ancestors and similar gene pools, the other part is that when bred for a specific "job" several breeds from different areas can come to look like one another. Consider dogs - a Golden Retriver, and Chesapeake Bay, a Labrador, and crosses of these. All similar, all developed in their own time (some with influence genetically from others) and in the end they all do the same job and have a very similar build.
Honestly I find telling a Shamo and Asil apart harder than Asil to Thai. . .

Anyway - As others have stated, they come from completely different countries, and other than that it is also body type. Asils, depending on bloodline but quite often the common Rajah Murgh lines have very powerful, upright builds with nicely almost curved long necks and a "chesty" posture with certain recognized colors - Thais have shorter, stiffer looking necks with very long legs and longer, much more pronounced tails and not as much chest. Thais also are often a lot more colorful, having a wide range of oranges, tans, blacks, and duns. Asils usually come in BBR, White, and Wheaten.

Course, I'm referring to the US supply - In other countries this all varies a lot more.
Post is a year old.
Also they wanted to know the difference between Asil and Thai Game your link stated Asil and Shamo.

Thai game are most of the time larger than asil game , they have different origins and the asil should stand more upright and the thai should habe a low down facing tail

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