What is the friendliest goose breed???

Oct 13, 2023
I am looking to get some goslings/hatching eggs in the future (hopefully near future) and I want them to be friendly
my mum had geese but they have all past on now but she found that even if she raised them from baby they were mean when they were adults I don't know what breed she had but was wondering if their was nothing particular breed that was more friendly or if a mix of breeds was friendlier
Thank you for your help
I am looking to get some goslings/hatching eggs in the future (hopefully near future) and I want them to be friendly
my mum had geese but they have all past on now but she found that even if she raised them from baby they were mean when they were adults I don't know what breed she had but was wondering if their was nothing particular breed that was more friendly or if a mix of breeds was friendlier
Thank you for your help
I have an African gander that is really sweet.
I have two American Buff geese that I adore. I think they are friendly -- as long as they don't catch me trying to steal an egg from their nests. Then, I get a serious hiss and a side eye that makes me shrink.

They like to converse with me -- I mimic their chatter and they respond. They like to take treats from my hand -- although Golly might need glasses because she often misses the treat and accidentally grabs a bit of finger or completely drops the food. They usually walk into their coop at night on their own -- once they see the feed bucket heading that way. And, their zoomies -- when they run down the driveway and try to get their heavy bodies airborne -- are hilarious.

The goose girls like to walk up behind the runner ducks and "herd" them for no apparent reason, but never seriously attack the ducks or chickens. That's not to say the geese won't occasionally nip toward the other birds, but they rarely make contact.

Having said all that, they -- like any other critters -- have distinct personalities. IF I have to move them, Gussie will very sweetly allow me to pick her up and will rest her head on my shoulder. Golly will only go kicking and screaming. Warning: A wing to the face can cause a blackened eye, and no one will believe how it happened.

Hope geese are in your very near future!
I have two American Buff geese that I adore. I think they are friendly -- as long as they don't catch me trying to steal an egg from their nests. Then, I get a serious hiss and a side eye that makes me shrink.

They like to converse with me -- I mimic their chatter and they respond. They like to take treats from my hand -- although Golly might need glasses because she often misses the treat and accidentally grabs a bit of finger or completely drops the food. They usually walk into their coop at night on their own -- once they see the feed bucket heading that way. And, their zoomies -- when they run down the driveway and try to get their heavy bodies airborne -- are hilarious.

The goose girls like to walk up behind the runner ducks and "herd" them for no apparent reason, but never seriously attack the ducks or chickens. That's not to say the geese won't occasionally nip toward the other birds, but they rarely make contact.

Having said all that, they -- like any other critters -- have distinct personalities. IF I have to move them, Gussie will very sweetly allow me to pick her up and will rest her head on my shoulder. Golly will only go kicking and screaming. Warning: A wing to the face can cause a blackened eye, and no one will believe how it happened.

Hope geese are in your very near future!
We are planning on moving house this year so after that hopefully!!
Something you should know about geese is that regardless of breed they are all very social, they will be friendly as goslings but if you don’t continue to socialize with them as adults they can grow distant and may not regard you as one of their flock, and if that happens they may begin to see you as a rival.

Geese also get hormonal and quick to anger during breeding season, they can’t help it and there’s nothing you can do to prevent it, though if you’re one of their group you’re likely to get propositioned as a potential mate which is much more preferable to the alternative if they see you as a rival because you didn’t socialize with them enough.

In my experience American Buffs and Classic Roman’s are pretty calm birds, geese are all individualistic however so there’s no guarantee you’ll get calm polite birds if those breeds are what you settle on, even my buff “Apricot” and Roman “Delphi” have quirks. They’re both sweet and non confrontational, but that doesn’t mean that they’re pushovers or tolerate any slight. Delphi lives with two ganders who she is the undisputed Queen of, and both she and Apricot will scold me with a few nips if they feel they didn’t get as many treats as the others.
Not sure about friendly as I really haven't treated mine as pets, but depending on the day or the hour they can be friendly, skittish, stand offish, or in my ganders cases aggressive. The father goose is the only one who will come up, and if he's being friendly you can expect your fingers to be chewed on, in the worst case a strong bite if he doesn't want you near the girls.

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