What is the Friendliest goose Breed??

Thanks for that Micki I think I will rethink. my 2.5 year old is at the top of our pecking order I don't think he would take kindly to dropping to the bottom of theres!!
I would have to say sebastopol geese are very friendly and docile, I have 2 right now.

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I just let my first hatch of geese and ducks out on teh grass today. They were 3 weeks Sunday. I always am amazed at the little creatures instinctively knowing to eat grass and have a good time doing it. It's a bit soon in the year for this, but I was having brooder issues with two varied sized animals in there. So, I've provided a heat lamp and straw bedding since it's going to get below 40 tonight.

That photo just reminded me of my little guys today. Out on the other side of the poultry netting, the 'big geese' were very interested in what the new creatures were. The little guys were just 'shouting' back at them, telling them that they were here now and it was their chicken tractor they were guarding. We were just laughing hysterically.
I have to say the sebbies too.

Mine just starting breeding that last couple of weeks. The ganders are a little upset with me being around their girls and have been nipping my fingers and pants when I go out to feed water and collect their unborn.

Greyfields, I love your description of wild/goose raised geese..

I raised most of mine last year and I love them just like dogs. I have four eggs in the incubator developing right now and I go out twice a day to turn and spray them and to talk to them.
We have several Brown Chinese geese at the stables and they are not agressive except occasionally to cars. They will take their sweet time to cross the driveway and if you honk at them they will bite your bumper! They are noisy though.
pips&peeps :

Greyfields, I love your description of wild/goose raised geese..

I raised most of mine last year and I love them just like dogs. I have four eggs in the incubator developing right now and I go out twice a day to turn and spray them and to talk to them.

When I'm watering the garden in the summer, the geese will come over to be sprayed with the hose. They just love it and go ape, laughing, giggling, flapping their wings, 'drinking' the water drops.

I just do'nt understand why people don't like geese! They are the life of this farm and I love them to bits.​
I have African geese now, and I love them. They don't show any signs of aggression (unless sitting on eggs). Back when my kids were preteen, I had some mixed breed geese, and they were aggressive! But even then, they didn't go out of their way to attack, they just stood their ground where they were. Found out MUCH later that the kids teased the geese, and rode at them on bicycles to get the geese to chase. The kids weren't afraid of them. But I don't think that young children should be unsupervised around ANY poultry (I was at work and DH was home when the kids were teasing my geese and doing other things that are turning my hair gray now that I am finding out). Sebastopols are very friendly, they are common in petting zoos. They are also usually very expensive (hatcheries list for about $30 each), if you are just starting with geese you may want to start with something less expensive while you learn.

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