What is the ideal humidity for hatching in an incubator?

I usually have one of the red plugs out on top of little giant at beginning of incubation..you may have to mess with different ways at first to see what works best..really 40 percent humidity day one to 18 for chicken eggs works good. You may b able to just put a wet sponge in it and see if it raises it ..I don't usually let my chicken eggs humidity get over 50 for incubation and then at hatch I raise it to 65..they do pretty good that way for chickens eggs
Yes you can put spinge in well or just set on side or corner not touching eggs and keep sponge wet..once it drys up humidity will go back down.if it gets to high with soaked sponge I just use damp one..youl have to try different ways like that to see what works best..your home May not have as much humidity ad mine.. Good luck!! Keep us posted
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how do you get the humidity increase for the last 3 days? I have both plugs in and temp is at 100.0 and humidity at 39%. All 6 wells have water....I am more nervous with the new incubator the little giant 9300 with auto egg turner....than every year that i did eggs with an old 4-h incubator. thanks for all you answers.

To start with get them red plugs out. A lot of those incubators you can not go by the built-in meter---some you can not get the built in meter above 40% if you sunk it in water??? If its one of those--- the meters are not usually accurate---need to use another meter.

Humidity is controlled by water surface---not water volume. If you got all the built in slots in the bottom with water in them your humidity should be high. A drop of food coloring will help you see if there is water in the slots but its usually permanent which is no problem. In my opinion if you are into lock down you for sure do not need to be opening the incubator---add water through a vent hole into the slots. Good Luck
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I'm doing this at school with the new 9300 incubator I've been hatching eggs die 10 years with an old 4-h incubator and have never measured the humidity. I've had very good luck but this new one is Sri in me crazy cus temps aren't accurate nor is humidity readings just hopebuts successful. Thanks for all the support

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