What is the new Eggbid?

BYC has Auctions

Those are the ones I am aware of. Hope you find the breeds you are looking for. Happy Hatching!
From what I understand eggbid.net is using the eggbid name and may be contacted soon by an attorney as I think it was patented. It is not the same person who used to run eggbid.com.

I use bidbird.
WOW, one rug and one holy pelt? What did you use and how big is that rug?

That must have been devistating to you.

I hope you find what you're looking for.

Maybe give us all an idea and maybe someone would have what you're looking for.

None of mine are laying right now and I offered to help someone when they start up again, but can let you know when I have something available.
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Any pictures? I'm just nosy

Sorry for your devestation. I don't order eggs but do drool over some of the ones offered here.
I am very sorry this happened to you.
Hope you find what you are looking for and have success with your new poultry.
Thanks guys. Katy i'd certainly be interested in buying some Marans eggs from you in the Spring.

The perpetrators were bobcats. One of them killed 40 or so birds overnight, she climbed up the side of my coop (which is about 8') and then squeezed between the hog panels on top and down inside. That night I lost all of my Blue, Black, Buff and Lavender Orpingtons, Cuckoo Marans, Langshans, a fully grown turkey tom, and I can't even remember what else. It was back in January. That bobcat was still in the coop and my husband shot her. We gave her to a friend to skin.

I later lost my ducks, geese, Bourbon Reds, Ameraucanas, Cochins, and Blue Wyandottes. They were in a different house/run about half a mile from the other one. The culprit was also shot but I don't know what with. I just left them laying for a while because it was too much

The survivors were the ones that I was free ranging. I don't want to tempt fate but they're still here other than my Lavender Silkies. I have one duck that I was treating for bumblefoot and had separated from the drakes who were bothering her, a few Chocolate OEGB hens, a Blue Andalusian rooster, and some Orpington crosses.

I'm trying to decide what I want to raise now. I was mostly looking to window shop and see what takes my fancy. I thought about just ordering 25 pullets from a hatchery just for the eggs, but they won't bring me the same pleasure.

It is scary how quickly a predator can destroy your flock. I'd had a few raccoon attacks which weren't pleasant, but they didn't kill literally everything.

I used to have another account here but someone hacked into my e-mail during my 'time-out' and I lost my password. Oh well LOL

This is another site that has some "rare" or fancy chicken breeds. I know nothing about it, I haven't actually ordered from it only looked a couple of times. I am not sure how long it has been around. Hope this helps you find what you are looking for.

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