What is the point of geese?


8 Years
Jan 18, 2012
Not trying to be snarky, I've just been wondering. From what I read, geese only lay like 30 eggs a year. I know a lot of you don't use them for meat, so what is their use? Are they just pets? I love poultry and so far I've only had chickens and ducks. I'm trying to learn about other kinds of poultry, but they have to have a good, constant use for my parents to even consider letting me have them.
Some people raise them for meat or for their feathers or to show at competitions. Others were bred to eat weeds, but people don't keep them for that sole purpose now. Mine are noisy pets with lots of character that follow me around and make me laugh and I don't mind the extra cost of feed.
Mine are also noisy pets - eventually they'll end up in freezer camp, but until then they're very efficient lawnmowers and -fertilizers. They also weed out the solar lamps they don't like, and they're always so much fun to look at.

I take them for walks a couple of times every day. They LOVE walks! Unfortunately, they're both ganders and very scared/aggressive when encountering strangers, so once spring sets in, there'll be too many people out and I won't be able to take them outside the yard.

I don't need to get my broken doorbell fixed - the geese will scream and honk at anyone they see getting close.

You can use their down for duvets and pillows. It takes the down of 24 geese to make a duvet (according to my housewife's encyclopedia from 1953).

BTW, the eggs are huge, so 30 goose eggs equal 90-100 chicken eggs.
Okay, that's about what I figured, though I hadn't considered using their down. Maybe one day I could add a couple geese to put some more character in my flock. Right now my naked neck turken is doing that, though and I don't think my parents would go for the idea of geese right now. Maybe later. Thank you both! It's given me more to think about.
One of my friends just got some geese and her husband was AMAZED at how nice they were. It was so funny to hear him talk about them. They used to be someone's house pets so now they follow my friend and her family around. I've only ever been around "guard geese". Here meaning evil. The kind that follows you around to bite you, not to keep you company.
During breeding season pairs will guard their mate with their life and can be nasty towards the owner because at that time if you have pairs they hate everyone. But come June to July the friendly little critters come back to noraml throughout the fall and winter months until breeding season. If you just have ganders or just females it is much more pleasant.
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Not trying to be snarky, I've just been wondering. From what I read, geese only lay like 30 eggs a year. I know a lot of you don't use them for meat, so what is their use? Are they just pets? I love poultry and so far I've only had chickens and ducks. I'm trying to learn about other kinds of poultry, but they have to have a good, constant use for my parents to even consider letting me have them.

This will give you more info
During breeding season pairs will guiard their mate with their life and can be nasty towards the owner because at that time if you have pairs they hate everyone. But come June to July the friendly little critters come back to noraml throughout the fall and winter months until breeding season. If you just have ganders or just females it is much more pleasant.

How do you control the aggressive behavior of the ganders during breeding seaon?
give 'em space and stay the heck away from them.

Many years ago I was thrilled to see two Canadian Geese waddling their way thru the field next to our house. Having moved here from Chicago, I had never seen any. I ran out throwing chunks of bread at them. The male took this as an aggressive act and came at me with his wings while I responded by clapping my hands and yelling to get away. He bit my knee cap and boy, did that raise a goose egg. I never thought birds without teeth could cause any damage.
The best way is from the start og them becoming macho ganders is to bring a broom stick, I have a cane and when they come running after you use they stick by waving it or just popping them in the chest. Also by flapping your arms to show them you are the Bigger Badder goose!!!
My gander do not attack at me anylong, except when they first become a man gander they learn fast I do not and will not put up with that behavior.....

OH, and never turn your back on a breeding gander you will regret it.
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How do you control the aggressive behavior of the ganders during breeding seaon?

Probably start with not overly aggressive ganders to begin with...

But for me I keep them in line long before they actually go with physical aggression. Anything hisses at me in the yard, I hiss back and chase it around with my arms out. If it doesn't run away from me or doesn't run away fast enough it gets the boot. It's not really a kick it's more of a "chest bump" with my foot. Sort of a scoop it up with my foot and move it back a bit thing. That's usually enough for them to realize that I'm the boss around here.

On the rare occasions that that isn't enough, I grab it and pin it onto the ground for a while until it simmers down (make sure you have the wings contained and a good grip on the neck - goose bites on the nose can be very painful, don't ask).

Like RURU said, ganders learn fast but even still they will occasionally decide to challenge you. Best to nip things in the bud as early, consistently and decisively as possible. "Give them an inch and they'll take a mile" is truly accurate here.

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