What is the temperament of Easter Eggers?

EEs vary in temperament quite a bit due to the fact that they are a mixed breed, not purebred. My Ameraucanas have a very consistent, sweet temperament, though, as you know, there are exceptions in all breeds.
It depends on the bird, and how YOU raise and treat it. I have 100 birds, and right now the Juvenile Easter Egger is top of the list for acting like a puppy. Silly thing acts like I'm its mother. While I'm feeding everyone else, it stays on the edge of the bucket....when I'm done, I have to spend "mommy and me" time with her, or she follows me out the gate....I almost shut her in a food bin (I lost my Bloodhead this way)....
My opinion, they can be very friendly and have good temperments...if you handle them. If you dont, they can be stand 0ffish and independent. I dont necessarily think they are mean...I have many others that are just Independent, but not an unlikeable one in the mix (of many many purebreds).......
My experience reflects this. I've had EE that were calm and friendly, and some that thought I was going to kill them if I got too close. Of my current hatch, 3 like to be touched, the other 3, not so much! And those are the ones with BO in them. Go figure.
Anyone have experience w their EE flying out of fenced in areas ? And then wants to get right back in and can't

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