What is this chick and Comets


12 Years
Mar 13, 2011
Hi All,
We just got 2 new chicks. One we know is an EE however the other is a mystery. We thought we were getting an Austrolorp but I walked away to get something else when the kids picked it out lol. I thought it might be a Barred Rock but upon further inspection I think it is not. For one thing it has feathered legs:) Any thoughts? The kids named the 2 chicks "Easter" and "Egg" (This one is "Egg"?


Also, we are getting some Golden Comet chicks as well. Does anyone have those? Are they friendly?
totally NOT barred rock... They are all black with a white dot on top of their head and no fuzzy feet.
Thanks. I was wondering about a Cochin as well. I actually think it's kind of fun-guessing what it will be. Unfortunately they were strait run so we are keeping our fingers crossed for hens! Does anyone know anything about Comets? Those are the two we got today.
Are Golden Comets actually yellow? I thought they were a reddish color. Our two Golden Comets seem to have just yellow feathers coming in..much more reminiscent of a Buff Orpington..

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