What is this chicken thinking?


Flo sadly passed away yesterday, but what was she thinking in this pic?

"Okay, she's still counting. I'll hide right behind here."

P.S- She's beautiful. Sorry about your loss.
ooohhh I knew snipe hunting was a bad idea... I've been out here for an hour and have not seen any of the others ...I sure hope that snipe didnt eat them....

for those who have not been fortunate enough to go on a snipe hunt. a "snipe" is an elusive ground bird. it has red eyes metallic looking feathers and runs faster than the eye can see on its big long legs. some people believe that Bigfoot Farms these birds like we do chickens and Turkey ;-) snipe cannot be shot. they must be captured by a team of people armed with pillow cases. the gist is you leave 1 gullible person with a pillow case standing alone while the others " flush out the snipe" . results may vary but the chase usually results in someone being scared out of their pants or abandoned in the woods
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