What is this chicken thinking?

Those do not look like snacks...

Come on now, Really? Can't I at least have the dignity of using the pot alone?

Nana nana boo boo, I am out and not you!

Hello! I think we've paid in advance for the shovel service. Clear a path please. You don't want us to fall and break an egg do you?

that was the only nestbox i could find in a hurry- and she loves it! they are in a rabbit hutch for the winter....here she is with her buddyTiffany, what is she thinking?

OH! I have no quote, but PRETTY!

Pick me up! Pick ME UP!
that was the only nestbox i could find in a hurry- and she loves it! they are in a rabbit hutch for the winter....here she is with her buddyTiffany, what is she thinking?

My hairstylist better hurry up and get here.

Check out my new booties!

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