What is this chicken thinking?

As deaf people form their thoughts into sign language so the rest of us can understand them, they are thinking in the same form. They may sign that your chickens are funny, and what they think is exactly that in their country's language. There are different types of signing, such as ASL (American Sign language) and sign language for other languages, like Chinese or German, etc. They have learned that language while growing up, only in another form (signing) rather than oral, so that is what they think in.

If a deaf person could once hear and knew the oral form of the language, they may also think just as we do - in our native language, whether it be English, Spanish, or some other.

oldchick: Is there a color or shape for the thought funny? I believe it goes beyond color and shape - just as a hearing person's thoughts do. We may associate certain words with a color - some of our expressions come from colors - like the expression, "Feeling blue..." or the color yellow is often times associated with happiness or cheer; red portrays anger - things like that, but deaf people's brains are just like ours - they just can't hear. Sometimes they have trouble with our oral language if we sign what we speak word for word because of the craziness of the language - synonyms, words spelled the same but w/ different meanings, things like that - but they can generally understand because of the total thought or the rest of the conversation. Deaf people don't usually sign as we would speak - word for word. There are signs for different thoughts as a whole.

Hope that helps anyone who is wondering...
Thank you!
alright girls ready to start the mission of escape!! alright Molly to the left dolly to the right everyone else huddle around... 1 2 3 goooooo runn bite cluck bite cluck harder she must not be hearing is squawk like your in distresss alright we are never going to get out aboard the mission girls!!
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