What is this chicken thinking?

(fishnet rings the dinner bell) COME AND GET IT!! (chickens) Hurry up everybody, don't want to be late for the mealworm platter and cornbread biscuits!! (peaches) Wait!!...*pant pant* Wait for me!! *heavy breathing* *pant pant* I am COMING....I just gotta cut down on the after dinner treats....*sigh*
Poor peaches :( lol will it ever stop?

"I don't know why everyone makes fun of Peaches.....I think she's BEAUTIFUL. She's all I can think about day and night. I'd be a lucky rooster to have her in my flock. Sighhhh."
"I don't know why everyone makes fun of Peaches.....I think she's BEAUTIFUL. She's all I can think about day and night. I'd be a lucky rooster to have her in my flock. Sighhhh."
She'd MUCH rather have me, you little whippersnapper!!
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