What is this chicken thinking?

Quote: I swear I'm not sleeping, just resting my eyes for a minute!

Side note, I noticed your roo has purple on his comb too, mine does sometimes and I was trying to figure out if it is normal?

Slowing down on her egg production, Lucy was turned into the family dishwasher.

"It's not so bad," she boasts exuberantly. "I get to snack on all the food left on the plates!"
Originally Posted by neophyte17

.....And please bless this barnyard with bountiful grubs. But dont bless the barnyard three houses over, the rooster there, Carl, stole my bike and i want it back. Please bless him with leg mites and mud butt.
Originally Posted by allosaurusrock

How about this one? She's my favorite hen, Rat Bird. She's a rescue so acts weird, is mostly blind, and has messed up feet. She really old, but I still love her.

Of course Im depressed! I stubbed my toe, it rained on me, I misplaced one of my drumsticks, now here you are pestering me with questions! Get off my lawn, dagnabbit!!

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